

Baptism of the Lord

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Each week Dennis Keller is posting General Intercessions for the upcoming Sunday liturgies.  He is a lay Dominican from the Raleigh/Durham area of North Carolina.  He also provides weekly input for our feature Volume II.

General Intercessions
Baptism of the Lord
January 12, 2025

Presider: When the Lord was baptized, the Spirit of God descended in the form of a dove. A voice, like thunder, proclaimed, “this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.” Jesus’ ministry began at this moment as he laid the foundations of his People. With confidence then, let us offer our prayers to the Father.

Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”

1.That Pope Francis, Bishop _______, clergy, religious, lay leadership, and catechists pray and work to build up the Body of Christ in the World, we pray...

2. That our parish make present the Lord, Jesus the Christ to one another by greeting and recognizing one another in church and in the market place, we pray...

3. That the baptized into the Body of Christ in our parish support the physically sick and mentally challenged with kindness and loving care without consideration for ethnicity, race, language, faith tradition, or socio-economic status we pray...

4. That baptized members of our parish are live the commitments to the parish community made at their baptisms. That all parish members work to introduce themselves to other members so as to strengthen our community of faith in practice, we pray...

5. That those whose careers are in service of others, both religious and secular, apply their baptismal faith in practical exercise of their career choices, we pray...

6. That parents bring their children to be baptized and commit to instructing them in the practical living of faith, we pray...

7. That politicians, legislators, and executives of government and corporations are attentive to inspiration of the Holy Spirit for the common good of all in our country. That leaders practice the faith so as to be models of charity for all nations, we pray...

8. That those who died this past week and those about to die are welcomed into the heavenly kingdom by choirs of angels, and by martyrs of faith and escorted into the heavenly Jerusalem. That the intention(s) of this Mass, (list here) ______ is (are) consciously in our prayers at this Mass and during this week, we pray...

9. Let us add our personal intentions in silence: (pause) May we place these intentions on the altar with our gifts in service to our communities, we pray...


Presider: Father, at the Baptism of Jesus, your Son began his ministry of preaching the way of the New Covenant. His first action was forty days of prayer and fasting. In this New Year, assist our parish to grow into the new covenant and form the Body of Christ in our worship, in our prayers, in our almsgiving, and charitable work. Send the Spirit to inspire us to courtesy with parish members. Inspire us to understand and practice how the Eucharist makes us one Body in the Lord, who is your son who lives and reigns in the Spirit, now and forever.
Response: Amen.

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  "Blessings on your preaching."

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