General Intercessions for:

Sixth Sunday of Easter

May 5, 2024


Presider:  The Scriptures tell us God loves us and stays with us if we keep his commandments. Confident of God’s presence and abiding with us, we offer our petitions and concerns to the Father through the Word.


Deacon/ Lector/ Cantor: Please respond: “Lord, hear our prayer.”

1.  That the Love of God empower Pope Francis, our bishop ____________ , clergy, dedicated religious, and the People of God to practice the Love of God in deed and truth, we pray…


2.  That the love of God capture the hearts of those who control resources and access to wealth and power, so they understand the dignity and worthy and the potential contribution of the poor, the powerless, and the immigrant, we pray…


3.  That the energy of the Father’s love fill the hearts of communities to overcome cultural and systemic racism and take to heart the Scriptural admonition to care for immigrants, we pray…


4.  That the Spirit of God that loves truth inflame hearts of those who govern to seek truth, respect for life, and equality for all genders, nationalities, languages, and cultures of their constituents, we pray…


5.  That the Love of God inspire all who have received the sacraments this month in our diocese to apply the grace received in deed and truth, we pray…


6.  That the healing Love of God return persons suffering physical, mental, or spiritual illness to full community participation. For those whose suffering continues, may their pain and anxiety add to the suffering of the Lord to build up the Kingdom of God, we pray…


7.  That all followers of Jesus practice non-violence, love of others, and peace in deed and truth, we pray…


8.   For the personal needs of those in this assembly, that the Lord grant them increased faith and hope. We pause for a moment sending our personal requests to the Risen Lord.             (pause)         Let us pray…

Presider: We send concerns and needs to the Father confident in God’s love for us. Increase our faith, trusting in that Love. Develop the intensity of hope for God’s assistance. Strengthen our charity in deed and truth toward our families, our parish,  those in the harm’s way in war, and those suffering violence. We ask this of you, Father in the name of Jesus who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.


Response: Amen!